God's Masterpiece

For we are his workmanship,     
created in Christ Jesus        
unto good works, which God     
hath before ordained that       
we should walk in them.        
Ephesians 2:10            

He spoke the world into existance,
The plants, the trees, the land;
Each flower, fruit, and vegetable,
Was formed by His own plan.

He told the mighty ocean waves,
"This far you may roll, no more."
He placed the countless grains of sand
To form the ocean's shore.

He took a bit of earthly dust,
Forming it so carefully,
Then breathed in it the breathe of Life,
Thus the first man came to be.

Then our God created woman,
From man's very own rib bone,
So man would have a helpmate,
And would never be alone.

Yes, we're God's crowning glory
Created by Him, and for Him;
His workmanship, His masterpiece,
May we ever praise and adore Him!

© 2006 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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