Whom should we worship?
God of all earth and heaven,
Jehovah, God Almighy,
Creator of all that is given.
What should we worship?
His love for all man,
From that love He created
His salvation plan.
When should we worship?
Any hour, night or day,
He promised, if we seek Him,
He’ll never be far away.
Where should we worship?
Any time, any place.
For God is eternal,
Beyond all time and space.
Why should we worship?
Because worthy is He,
Pure, and holy, and righteous,
Creator of you and me!
How should we worship?
With heart, mind, and soul,
Surrender our lives to Him,
Giving Him full control.
Worship and praise Him,
Our great God above,
For His grace, and His mercy,
And His never-ending love!