How Can We Be Born Again?
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3)
I want to go to heav'n some day, And Jesus is the only way. He said I must be born again. I can never pay for all my sin.
He alone could pay the price, His precious blood was sacrificed.
No good works that I have done, No awards I've ever won, Can ever wash away my sin, Make me clean and pure within,
Only Jesus' blood will do, To change my heart, and make it new.
I could try a million ways, Do good deeds for all my days. Give all my things to help the poor,
That won't get me through heaven's door. There's only one way to enter in, Trusting Jesus to forgive my sin.
There's no cause for me to brag, My righteousness is a filthy rag. No works can ever save my soul,
But the blood of Jesus makes me whole, Pure and clean in the Father's eyes, Thanks to Jesus's sacrifice!
No other way to heaven is known, You cannot make it on your own, You must accept the love He's given,
If you want to get to heaven! Put all your faith and trust in Him, That's the way we're born again!
© 2025 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved. This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
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