Church Is Finally Over
Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. James 14:4
Church is finally over, I'm headed for the door. The sermon was inspiring, Like hundreds were before.
The choir sang the anthem, The best I've ever heard, And all the people listening Were blessed, and even stirred.
The invitation given Was earnest, warm, and strong; While all the congregation Joined in the final song.
I almost was persuaded To let the Savior in; But church is finally over, And I've turned away again.
Church is finally over, I feel almost the same; I guess I'll wait till next time To call upon His name.
They say He's very patient, Long- suffering and kind; His arms are always open And those who seek shall find.
I've heard the gospel story--- I know it very well: How Jesus died to save me From everlasting hell.
Yet I can't help but wonder When my last chance will be, And church is finally over For all eternity.

by Dwight & Dwayne Good The Good Twins
From their album "Church Is Finally Over"

Whittier wrote: "Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: It might have been....."
My dear friend, one day church is going to be over for all eternity.
Jesus will gather up His beloved church to the splendors of heaven,
to the place He has prepared for them. There will be no more altar
calls, no more invitations, and no more chances for you to accept Him
as your Lord and Savior. I beg of you, don't delay! Give your life
to Jesus now, before the day comes when church will be over and it
will be too late! Eternity is a long, long time - too long to be wrong!

