Apply For My Awards

I've been so honored that my website has been given so many awards that I'd like to return the honor.

The rules for any website applying for one of my awards are very simple:

  1. The site must be God and family centered. It does not have to be a religious site, necessarily, but it cannot condone ungodliness. In other words:
    • No sites that tolerate witchcraft or sorcery of any kind;
    • No sites promoting racism or hatred;
    • No profanity, no violence, no nudity, no lewdness or immorality.
    • If it isn't fit for a small child, an old grandma, or the preacher to see, don't submit it for one of my awards. (And that means every page on your website, not just the homepage.)

  2. You must be 16 or older to apply for an award.

  3. The website must be in English. I'm sorry, but I cannot evaluate or enjoy websites in other languages.

These are really my only requirements. If you wish to apply for one of these awards, for your own site or someone else's, please send me an email with the following information:

  1. Your name
  2. Your email address
  3. The URL of the website you are recommending for an award.
  4. Which award you are applying for.
  5. Why you feel the site deserves an award.

I will visit the website as soon as possible and if the site qualifies, will email the award to you. Please be sure to link the award back to

I look forward to having the opportunity to bless someone else with my awards, as I have been so blessed by those given to me.

The awards I offer are these:

 ~ OR ~ 

(State whether you prefer the burgundy or metallic frame)