Heaven Awaits

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Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6


Happy New Year

Welcome to 2025! A new year is always so exciting; a fresh start and a blank slate for us to write a new story of our lives. I am especially excited for 2025, because this year marks the 25th anniversary of my website! I started my website in January 2000 on a free hosting service, Angelfire, which no longer exists. My first site was called Sharing The Word, and I am still amazed and grateful that God has allowed me to do this, and I give Him all the glory. I had no idea what I was doing when I first started, and certainly no idea that it would still be going strong after twenty five years.

This is my personal, non-commercial website. I make no profit in any way from this site; I take no donations, sell nothing, and do not run ads. To give you some perspective on how unusual it is for a personal website to be around for 25 years, let me just say that almost every single graphics site that I have gotten these beautiful websets from over the years is now defunct. Likewise, all the beautiful awards this website has been given over the years are from websites that no longer exist. But I am still here, praise God, and all glory goes to Him for what He has allowed me to do here!

My goal now is the same as it was when I first started this site: to share God's word with as many people as possible, to uplift, strengthen, and encourage other Christians in their walk, and to encourage everyone who visits this site to receive the precious gift of salvation by inviting Jesus into their hearts to be their own Lord and Savior. It is only through Jesus that we can have eternal life, and be assured of spending eternity in heaven. Eternity is too long to be wrong! I beg of you, please receive the love and grace and mercy Jesus so freely offers, because really and truly,

Heaven Awaits


This site was last updated March 2025

Bible Studies
    It Doesn"t Take A Village    
    Are You Ready For Revival?    

Day By Day Devotionals
    Jesus Took Our Judgment    
    Precept Upon Precept    
    We May Never Know Why    
    Don't Arm Your Enemy!    

My Original Poetry
    My Hope Of Glory    
    Jesus Rose Again    

In Loving Memory Of
Karen Kuiper Buche
In Loving Memory Of
Kimberly Kuiper Lewis
In Loving Memory Of My Brother
Dennis R. Pfeiffer

January 2015

Bible Studies
    Have We Watered Down The Word?    
    God Doesn't Have A "Plan B"    

Day By Day Devotionals
    God Can Deliver Us    
What If You Died Today?    
    5 Reasons We Don't Have To Be Afraid    

My Original Poetry
    Dearest Harold    

    Satan Cannot Defeat Me    
    How Can I Be Born Again?    

Other Poems
    Who Will Take Grandma?    
    Santa's Prayer    

New Year Pages
New Years Dreams
Bless This Year
Happy New Year 2018
In Memorium
Happy New Year 2016
A New Year, Another Chance
Happy New You!
A New Year, A Fresh Start
A New Year!

Showers Of Blessings Archives
Visit The Chapel
I Am A Survivor!


In Loving Memory Of My Brother
Dennis R. Pfeiffer

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Due to the ever-increasing number of spammers who post all sorts of inappropriate things in the Guestbook,
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All of the graphics used to make my pages are copyrighted by their designers. Please do not take any of
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I cannot give permission for you to use anything you see on this website except my own original poetry,
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If you see any text or graphics on my website that are copyrighted and published here without permission,
please let me know and I will either remove it immediately or get the owner's permission, whichever is
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Also, if you find any broken links, please drop me a note and let me know so I can fix them! Thank you!

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