Those of you who know me personally, or those who have visited my website and read my bio, know that 25 years ago, I had lung cancer. I was thirty-eight years old when I was diagnosed, and had surgery that removed most of my right lung. I was very fortunate. We found it early, and it was a slow-growing kind that is not nearly as aggressive as other forms of lung cancer. By the grace of God, I beat the odds, and this past July I have been cancer free for twenty-five years. I praise Him constantly for that miracle.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, so two months ago, I had my annual mammogram. I even posted a "Public Service Announcement" type message on social media, urging other women to be sure to get their mammograms. I said something like "15 minutes could save you more than money on your car insurance, it could save your life!"

Little did I dream that I was speaking to myself with that post! My mammogram showed a small spot, and to make a long story short, it was cancer. Cancer is such a frightening word, but once again, I feel like God has given me grace and I'm so fortunate. Just like my lung cancer all those years ago, we discovered it very early. Early detection is the key to surviving any type of cancer. Mine is stage 1, there is no lymph node involvement, and this particular kind of breast cancer is very responsive to treatment. My chances of a total cure are excellent.

So early this month, December 2018, I had a partial mastectomy to remove the tumor. The pathology report still showed a few remaining cancer cells, so I had to have a second surgery a week later. Fortunately, the surgeon was satisfied that she got a clear margin that time. I will begin radiation treatment shortly after the New Year, and will be on a hormone suppressant pill for the next 5 years after. But as I said, my chances of survival are excellent, and I am so grateful.

Many people wonder why God allows some people to be healed, but not others. Why do some get cancer and survive, while others die? We cannot possibly know the answer to questions like that; we aren't God, and cannot know His thoughts or purposes. But here's the important thing to understand. Any healing we receive here on earth is only temporary, anyway. Even if God heals me of this cancer here on earth, I am going to die sooner or later anyway. So are you. The mortality rate on this old earth is 100% - unless Jesus returns first, we are all going to die. Some earlier, some later, some easier, some harder, but all of us are going to die.

If we are a child of God, our true and lasting healing will come not here on earth, but in heaven. You see, God didn't create us just for earth, but for eternity. One of the last things Jesus said is to remind us that our true home is with Him, in the Father's mansion in heaven.

Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also. (John 14:1-3)

My friend, THAT is the reason I can face breast cancer without fear. I have every hope that I will be healed of breast cancer, just as I was with lung cancer. But I know where my true hope lies. And I know that even if God's doesn't chose to heal me here, He WILL heal me one day. I have a home in heaven, for all eternity, where I will be whole and healthy, and will live in His glory forever and ever. I know this because Jesus promised it.

Salvation is a free gift, it's ours for the asking. Do you have that assurance that Jesus is preparing a home for you in heaven? Have you put your faith and trust in Him to save you? Can you face whatever life may throw at you, knowing that your future is secure, because this earth is not your permanent home anyway? If you have never accepted Jesus as your own personal Savior, what are you waiting for? Don't you realize that the very next breath you take could be your last?

Acccepting Jesus isn't hard to do. God's own word says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life." (John 3:16) Believe. That's all it takes. Believe that Jesus can cleanse you from your sin, and save you. Only He can do that, because only He shed His blood and died to pay for your sin, and mine, and the whole world's. Believe that the Word of God is true, that the blood of Jesus cleanses you from unrighteousness, and saves you for all eternity. Believe that now you are a child of God, and have a home with Him in glory!

When we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we know that no matter what happens to us here on earth, we will one day be with Him in heaven. Then we can say with confidence, just as the old hymn says:

"When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul."

In spite of having cancer - again - I can truly say it is well with my soul. Is it well with YOUR soul, my friend? My most earnest hope and prayer is that you can say the same.

Update: November 2019 - One year after my original diagnosis, the latest mammogram and ultrasound shows no further sign of cancer. Praise God!

November 2020: Once again, the mamogram shows me to still be cancer-free. I am so grateful to Almighty God, the Great Physician. Amen, and Allelulia!

October 2021: Just got the results of my latest 3D mammogram. Great news again: still cancer-free, almost three years later! I thank God so much for healing me and continuing to bless me!

September 2022: My 3D mammogram shows no sign of cancer once again! Praises to God- my Healer, my hope, my strength, my all. So very thankful!!!

September 2023: 5 years out: Once again, my 3D mammogram is clear of any sign of cancer. PRAISE GOD! My heart is overwhelmed that The Great Physician has healed me from once again! I don't know why He chooses to heal some and not others, I only know I'm so thankful He healed me! It's like my salvation: I did nothing to deserve His mercy, nothing to earn it, but it was a gift freely given, and I will never cease to praise Him for it! Thank you, Jesus!

September 2024: All clear once again - it's been 6 years now - Praise the Lord!!!!


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