For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth
in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life. John 3:16
There are so many hurting people in this world, people who feel like they are not loved, not wanted. People who have suffered rejection and
the pain it brings. Valentine's Day is often a terrible time for those feeling unloved and unwanted. But they need to know:
there is One who loves them, whether they know it or not. God loves them
with a greater love than they can even imagine!
Love is not just something that God does, it is the very essense of what He is. Scripture tells us "God is love" (l John 4:8). He created us in His own image, the
crowning glory of all His creation. Does the artist refuse to love his painting? Does the sculptor not love his statue? Can the poet ever hate his own writings? Of course not!
Every creator loves his own creation, and God is no different: He loves His creation!
This Valentine's Day, if you already know the love of God, rejoice once again at the glory of His love for you! And if you are one of those that feels unloved, unwanted, rejected and alone,
let your hurting heart drink in the truth of the greatest Valentine gift of all:
GOD loves YOU! Invite Jesus into your heart, and experience the great, unfailing love He has for you today.
| For God so lo V ed the world,
That He g A ve
His on L y
Begott E n
So N
T hat whosoever
Believeth I n Him
Should N ot perish,
But have E verlasting life.
John 3:16