"I sought the LORD, and He answered
me, and delivered me from all my fears."
(Psalm 34:4)
Fear can be one of the most incapacitating emotions in our lives. It is a disease that can affect us all. Fear can paralyze us and keep us from enjoying the present, from taking risks, and from moving forward with confidence. Fear causes stress, makes us unpleasant to be with, and enslaves us to misery.
One of the most often repeated commands by God to His people in the Old Testament and Christ to His disciples was "Do not fear." Yet, despite these commands, we constantly allow fear to dominate our lives. Sometimes we even allow fear to be more powerful than God Himself. At that point, fear becomes an idol in our lives. (An idol is something or someone that has more influence and power in our lives than God!)
Fortunately, God meets us where we are in our battle with fear. Even David struggled with this but he knew where to find the answer.
"I sought the LORD, and He answered
me, and delivered me from all my fears."
Notice that:
• David wasn't delivered until he went to God. Many of us tend to forget to seek God and ask Him for relief or hope.
• God rewarded his seeking Him, and will reward you.
• David wasn't just delivered from a particular concern or fear, he was delivered (stripped away from the clutches) of all the fears that plagued his life.
Is fear getting the best of you? God doesn't want fear and anxiety to ruin the life He has for you. Why not give the Lord all your concerns and fears right now so He can deliver you from them? He will destroy the power it has in your life!