And you know in all your hearts
and in all your souls that not one
thing has failed of all the good
things which the Lord your God
spoke. (Joshua 23:14)
People make promises to us all the time. We make promises to others. Sometimes these promises are kept, sometimes they aren't. People often promise things they are unable to fulfill. People change their minds about their promises. Circumstances change. People change. Promises are broken. Hearts are broken. Sometimes lives are changed, all because a promise was broken.
The promises God makes, however, are never broken. God doesn't change. His circumstances never change. He is the Almighty. He is able to do all that He promises. He alone has the power to do anything and everything He says He will. He does not change His mind. Never has, never will.
Every promise He has made can be fully trusted; He will do just as He promised. His promises are just as good now as they were two thousand years ago. They will still be good a thousand years from now. Because GOD IS FAITHFUL! He is not like us, changeable and forgetful.
The problem then, is not that God does not keep His promises; the problem is that He doesn't operate in our time frame. We want to see results right now, but God is not bound by our time frame. He has all eternity to keep His promises. Remember Moses never got to enter the Promised Land, but He knew and trusted that God would keep His promises – and He did! The patriarchs never saw the promised Messiah, but they had faith that God would keep His promise - and He did!
When we have doubts, fears, and anxieties, we must meditate on the unchanging faithfulness of our Almighty God. He never promises what He cannot or will not deliver. His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways, and His timing is not our timing. Trust in His promises and in His timing, and watch your fears and doubts fade away.
