>In Loving Memory Of Cherokee
September 22, 2001 - September 30,2004
But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18:16
We lost this little girl we loved, and I had to wonder why? I cried and said, "Oh tell me, Lord: Why do babies have to die?
Her family's hearts are broken, They hurt more than words can say; And I just can't help but wonder Why she had to go away."
Then Jesus softly whispered, "Tell them I love her, too; And I want the very best for her, Just like I know they do.
She's safe within my loving arms, This babe we love so dear; She's playing happily again, She knows no pain or fear;
Her body isn't paralyzed, The tumor she had is gone; She's living now in paradise, And sings a brand new song.
She's running around in glory, The heavens ring with her mirth. Her life up here is perfect, Like it never could be on earth.
Tell them she's waiting for them, When they cross that golden shore; She'll come running out to greet them, And they'll live forevermore.
Tell them to have faith, and trust Me, Though their hearts are full of pain; For they'll see her again in heaven, Where they'll never feel sadness again."
We'll never forget you, sweet Cherokee.
© 2004 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved. The poem is my own original work, and cannot be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to Lee & Marcia, and Valarie & Vernon, and all the rest of Cherokee's family. May our Heavenly Father comfort your hearts, and grant you the peace that comes from only Him.

My sincere thanks to Moon & Back Graphics for this beautiful stained glass background set.