That's My King!
Therefore God also has highly exalted him,
and given him a name which is above every
name: That at the name of Jesus every knee
should bow, of things in heaven, and things
in earth, and things under the earth; And
that every tongue should confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11
The Bible says my King is a seven-way king.....
He's the King of the Jews.
He's the King of Israel.
He's the King of Righteousness.
He's the King of the Ages.
He's the King of Heaven.
He's the King of Glory.
He's the King of Kings,
And He's the Lord of Lords.
That's my King!
Well, I wonder, do you know Him?
David said, "The Heavens declare the glory of God,
the firmament shows His handiwork."
My King is a sovereign King.
No means of measure can define His
limitless love.
No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings.
He's enduringly strong.
He's entirely sincere.
He's eternally steadfast.
He's immortally graceful.
He's imperially powerful.
He's impartially merciful.
Do you know Him?
He's the greatest phenomenon that
ever crossed the horizon of this world.
He's God's Son.
He's a sinner's Savior.
He's the centerpiece of civilization.
He stands in the solitude of Himself.
He's awesome.
He's unique.
He's unparalleled.
He's unprecedented.
He's the loftiest idea in literature.
He's the highest personality in philosophy.
He's the fundamental doctrine of true theology.
He's the cardinal necessity of spiritual religion.
He's the miracle of the age.
He's the only one qualified
To be an all sufficient Savior.
I wonder if you know Him today?
He supplies strength for the weak.
He's available for the tempted and the tried.
He sympathizes and He saves.
He strengthens and sustains.
He guards and He guides.
He heals the sick.
He cleanses lepers.
He forgives sinners.
He discharges debtors.
He delivers captives.
He blesses the young.
He serves the unfortunate.
He regards the aged.
He rewards the diligent.
He beautifies the meek.
I wonder if you know Him?
Well, my King is THE King.
He's the key to knowledge.
He's the wellspring to wisdom.
He's the doorway of deliverance.
He's the pathway of peace.
He's the roadway of righteousness .
He's the highway of holiness.
He's the gateway of glory.
Do you know Him?
His promise is sure.
His light is matchless.
His goodness is limitless.
His mercy is everlasting.
His love never changes.
His Word is enough.
His grace is sufficient.
His reign is righteous.
His yoke is easy,
And his burden is light.
I wish I could describe Him to you, but
He's indescribable.
He's incomprehensible.
He's invincible.
He's irresistible.
You can't get Him out of your mind.
You can't get Him off of your hand.
You can't out live Him,
And you can't live without Him.
The Pharisees couldn't stand Him,
But they found out they couldn't stop Him.
Pilate couldn't find any fault in Him.
Herod couldn't kill Him.
Death couldn't handle Him,
And the grave couldn't hold Him.
Yeah! That's my King. That's my King!
(From "That’s My King! Do You Know Him?"
A sermon preached in 1976 by S.M. Lockridge,
Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, San Diego)