Jesus said, "I am the Bread...."
To nurture and to feed;
To keep us from starvation,
Providing every need.
Jesus said,"I am the Light...."
To show the world the way;
So we won't fall in darkness,
Stumbling in sin's decay.
Jesus said, "I am the Door...."
Through which sheep enter in;
But only those who love Him,
Not those wrapped up in sin.
He said, "I'm the Good Shepherd....
One who will give His all
To save one sheep from dying,
To lift us when we fall.
"I am the Way, and the Truth,"
He said, "I am the Life;"
"I am the Resurrection";
He is eternal life!
He said, "I am the true vine...."
A branch is all we are.
We must abide in Jesus,
Or be thrown in the fire.
Jesus is Lord and Master,
The sacrificial Lamb;
Jesus is the Son Of God,
Who is the great "I AM".