As it was in the beginning, So too the end shall be--- What God did then, He does today, And will do eternally.
He loved us then, He loves us now, And wants us for His own; He loves us with a perfect love, Like none we've ever known.
But He could not look upon our sin, So he sent His Son to die---- There on that cross, He took our place; He died for you and I.
Oh, please don't let Him die in vain, Don't linger in your sin; The Master stands here at your door, And waits to enter in!
For you and me, His gift is free, If only we'll believe, Then just as in the days of old, Grace and mercy we'll receive.
And as it was in the beginning, So too the end shall be--- God's children all will walk with Him In love and harmony.
© 2001 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved. This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
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