Good News
The shepherds watched o'er all their sheep, 'Twas a night like any other, They knew not what was happening, Or the gift they'd soon discover.
Then suddenly, angels appeared, And gave them quite a fright, They'd never seen anything like this, As they watched their flocks by night.
The angel told them, Do not fear, Just rest your troubled mind; For Jesus Christ was born tonight, The Savior of all mankind.
He's the one the Scriptures pointed to, After all these years, He's come! Born this night as a tiny babe, The Messiah, the Anointed One.
Look for Him in the City of David, In the town of Bethlehem, In a manger was the Christ-child born, For there was no room at the inn.
This is good news for all mankind, The angel did proclaim, God sent His only begotten Son, Let us praise His Holy Name!
All glory, praise, and honor, We give to Christ the King, Glory to God in the highest, The heavenly angels did sing.
The shepherds rushed to share the news, About the Savior who was born, And how of all heaven did rejoice, That long ago Christmas morn.
And still, until this very day, Those who believe God's Holy Word, Still seek the Savior born that night, And proclaim Him as their Lord!
© 2008 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
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