Heaven's GardenI am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. Song Of Solomon 2:1
There's a beautiful garden in Heaven, And some fine day we'll be there: Each flower is sweetest perfection, With beauty beyond our compare.
And there in the midst of that garden, The most perfect flower of all: Jesus, the sweet Rose of Sharon, The Savior of all who would call.
He is the delight of the garden, Most perfect in every way; His is the sweetest aroma, That scents the entire bouquet.
His perfume is found in that garden, His beauty will there be displayed; His flowers will bloom there forever, Their beauty will not spoil or fade.
His perfume is the prayer of believers, His beauty is in hearts that love, His flowers are the souls of the faithful, Who are gathered for the garden above.
And there in that heavenly garden, When Jesus the Lord calls us home, We each will bloom forevermore--- Oh, come, Lord Jesus! Come!
© 2003 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved. This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
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