It's Enough

Wherein you greatly rejoice,
though now for a season, if   
need be, you are in heaviness
through manifold temptations:
That the trial of your faith,   
being much more precious than
that of gold which perishes,   
though it be tried with fire,   
might be found unto praise   
and honor and glory at the   
appearing of Jesus Christ.   
I Peter 1:6-7

I was so completely broken,
Heart aching deep inside;
In anger, I cried out to God,
In love, my God replied:

"My child, You know I love you,
And you know I have a reason
To allow you to be broken,
Although only for a season.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
And My ways aren't yours, you know;
There are things in life you must go through
In order for you to grow."

I cried, "Oh, God, this hurts so much,
I can't take it any longer!
Why would You let me go through this?"
He replied: "To make you stronger."

He said "Never will I leave you,
Or forsake you in your pain;
Just trust Me, and accept My grace,
And this, too, will be for gain.

For when I allow a child of mine
To be broken, as you are now;
There's Divine purpose behind it,
Though you don't know why or how......

Just trust in Me, my precious child,
When this time of trial is done,
You'll come out stonger, bigger, better,
And more like Christ, My Son."

Then it didn't seem so hopeless,
God had not forsaken me!
He was still at work behind the scenes,
Where no human eye can see.

When these times of suffering come;
It's not for me to understand,
It's enough to know He holds me
By a precious, nail-scarred hand.

It's enough to know He'll be with me,
Whatever I may have to face,
It's enough to know He loves me so,
And I can trust His matchless grace!

© 2007 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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