I'll Leave This World One Day

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the
morrow. For what is your life? It is even
a vapour, that appeareth for a little time,
and then vanisheth away.      James 4:14

One day I'm going to leave this world,
And loved ones I adore;
All worldly treasures left behind,
I'll stand at heaven's door.

This life on earth will pass away,
This mortal body done;
I'll get a new one in heaven,
When eternity has begun.

So please, don't cry, and please don't mourn,
Don't give in to despair;
Just give YOUR life to Jesus,
So you can join me there!

Oh, how my heart will then rejoice,
What a great day that will be!
To know we'll be together
For all eternity.

We'll see our loved ones who were saved,
All those who've gone before;
We'll see our precious Savior, too,
And live forevermore!

Just give your life to Jesus now,
As I did, way back then,
So that when this life is over,
We know we'll meet again.

© 2003 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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