How My Life ChangedTherefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. II Corinthians 5:17
Come and listen to my story, Which I'm about to tell, How life changed when I met Jesus, And He saved my soul from hell.
I was lost in sin and misery, Filled with heartache and woe. But Jesus changed my life completely, Although how, I'll never know.
He loved just the way I was, And accepted me as His own; He gave my life new meaning, And gave me reason to go on.
My story's not too different Than others that you've heard--- God's Holy Spirit changes lives, When we believe His Holy Word!
So if your life is miserable, And you have no place to turn, Come and listen to my story: There's a lesson you can learn:
Christ Jesus loves the helpless, The hopeless, and the weak. He loves the heavy laden, Living in misery and defeat.
He bought you with His precious blood, You mean all the world to Him; Your life will not be hopeless, Your future won't be grim.
Just take the hand of Jesus, And trust Him, all the time. I know that He will change your life, The same way He changed mine!
© 2004 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
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