Another Memorial Day
Another Memorial Day is here, And it would indeed be nice If we would all remember to honor Those who've paid freedom's price.
We've just about forgotten The meaning of "Memorial" day, We have a picnic or barbeque, It's just one more holiday;
We take this day for granted, And don't remember, anymore Those who died for freedom On some lonely, far away shore.
For freedom isn't free, you know: It's been fought for, through the years; Someone paid for our freedom, With blood, and sweat, and tears.
Rows of white crosses at Anzio, In Flander's fields, and France; Young men who never made it home, Who never got a second chance.
We should honor their sacrifice, And teach our children, too; But somehow, we've forgotten That they died for me and you.
Sometimes there are a few parades Of worn out, tired old men, There are few who even remember What they did, way back then.
So this year, let us remember To be grateful for what they've done; And remember the ones still fighting: God bless them, each and every one.
God, be with all our soldiers, Bring them safely home, we pray , May we never forget their sacrifice, Or the meaning of Memorial Day!
© 2004 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
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Our thanks to all the brave men and women who have served their country with dignity and honor. We will not forget.
And a very special prayer for our troops who are in harm's way tonight: Dear Heavenly Father, Bless our brave young men and women in uniform on this Memorial Day. Reassure them that they are not forgotten, as we earnestly pray for their safety. May they always seek Your divine guidance and place their faith and trust in You, our Creator. Please grant us victory, Almighty God, and bring them back quickly to their loved ones waiting for them here at home. We thank You, Lord. Amen.

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