You are invited to come dine with me,
From now through all eternity.
Believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
And dine with Jesus as your host.
To live in heaven eternally,
All you must do is.... R.S.V.P.
(D. Hahlbohm)

That First Day In Glory

On that rapturous day Christ shall appear
To gather His bride, far and near;
He'll take us home on high,
Where the soul never dies,
And with angels His praises we'll cheer.

Then, on that first morning, up in glory,
We'll understand that old gospel story:
God sent His only Son,
To save us, every one;
Nevermore to have sorrow, pain, or worry.

That new day may dawn very soon;
There will be no more sun, no more moon.
But the glow from Christ's face,
Will light heaven's space,
And even midnight will be bright as noon.

By the side of the river of life,
There will be no more strain, no more strife;
Just love like a treasure,
And joy beyond measure;
Where mercy and goodness are rife.

We'll praise His dear name, with delight,
Every morning, each noon, and each night;
Lay our crowns at His feet,
All pleasure complete,
Clad in garments of pure, shining white.

Are you ready now, that day to see?
Are you washed in the blood shed for thee?
Oh, please don't delay,
Come to Jesus today,
To dwell in heaven for all eternity.

© 2007 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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