Take Time

Train up a child in the way  
he should go: and when he is
old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Take time to enjoy your children,
Those little grins and toothless smiles,
Remember that they're only young
For such a little while.

We get so wrapped up in other things,
We don't always take the time,
To stop and smell the roses,
And the years rush quickly by.

Those precious days of childhood,
Will be far too quickly o'er,
Before you know it, you will find
They don't need you anymore.

They grow up oh, so quickly,
Then their childhood days are past,
And as you watch them drive away,
You wonder how it went so fast?

From babe, to youth, to teenager,
And then to young adult, full grown.
Where did those childhood years go?
How quickly time has flown!

So take time to enjoy them,
Appreciate each precious day,
Take time to tuck them in at night,
To join them in their play.

Spend time with your children
While they are young and small
Time shows how much you love them,
It's the greatest gift of all.

© 2010 by Kathryn Brandon. All rights reserved.
This poem is my own original work, and may not
be copied or used in any way without permission.