True Love
Today is Valentine's Day - that one day out of the year we set apart specifically for love. Hopefully, the ones we love also love us, but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes they do not love us enough, or don't love us the way we want to be loved. Sometimes, our love is in vain, and the ones we want to love us does not. When that happens, we can be devastated; Nothing hurts us as much as not being loved - or not being loved enough.
There is One who loves us more than we can even imagine. When we learn to love Him, our love is never in vain. We never have to worry that He does not return our love, or that He doesn't love us eas much as we love Him. Human beings are imperfect, and their love can be fleeting and changing. Christ's love is neither. He loves us with an everlasting love, far greater than anything we have ever known.
He loves us enough to take us just like we are. He doesn't demand perfection in us; He knows we fall far short, and yet He loves us, anyway. His love will never fail us; He will never leave us or forsake us. He loves us enough that He died for us.
"Greater love has no man than this: that he would lay down his life for a friend." (John 15:13)
| For God so lo V ed the world,
That He g A ve
His on L y
Begott E n
So N
T hat whosoever
Believeth I n Him
Should N ot perish,
But have E verlasting life.
John 3:16
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