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The Message That's Always True
by John Fischer

Here is what the Spirit of God says to us: "Tell him I love him."

It could be to a friend recovering from bypass surgery in the hospital; it could be to a homeless man, smelly and half nuts; it could to be your husband just going out the door for a few groceries… and never coming back again; it could be to the lady who cut in front of you in line; it could be to your best friend, the one you won't ever see again who left the party early to walk home. For all of these situations, the Holy Spirit wants to have us "Tell him I love him," sooner than later.

It could be to the guy you cut off who is pointing to the sky with his middle finger; it could be to the lady who cheated you out of the last parking space; it could be to your kids lying asleep in the still of the night; it could be to the man who took you for a fool and made off with the money before the job was done. It's what the Spirit wants you to say: "Tell him I love him."

It could be to the man in drag in the gay pride parade as well as the hate-filled "Christian" holding a sign that condemns him; it could be to the neighbor on one side who keeps to himself, and the one on the other that you wish would; it could be to the friend you just met and the one you've known forever; it could be to the one who abused you as well as the one you abused; it could be to the one you owe or the one who owes you; the message is the same: "Tell him I love him."

The message will always be the same: "Tell him I love him." You can't go wrong.

The Catch, © 8/11/2010 by John Fischer.


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