But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and
His righteousness; and all these things
shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)
What are you looking for in life? We spend our time and energy looking for many different things, trying to satisfy some deep longing or need within us. The things we are
seeking may not be intrinsically bad, but are they the best things to spend our time and energy on? If we only knew it, the fact is that what we most deeply long for is
God, our heavenly Father. He created us with that need, desiring for us to seek Him to meet it.
Some seek fame and fortune. They desire these so much they neglect anything that won't bring them closer to their goals. They don't have time to
stop and smell the roses. If they don't have money, they worry about what they're going to do, how they will pay the bills, how to meeet basic needs. If they do
have it, they worry about losing it: What if the market crashes? What if someone hacks into their bank account or steals their idenity? Likewise, if they already have
fame, they worry about the next up-and-coming star who will replace them.
God does not want His children living in worry and fear. He wants us to trust in Him, and His provision for us.
There are so many little things in life that can give us so much joy if we can just stop for a few minutes and allow ourselves to enjoy them. Things that have no price tag,
like the sound of a child's laughter. A breautiful sunset. Cuddling a tiny baby close and watching them sleep. A special smile from a loved one. Watching small children
play with their dog. Laughing with a friend over some goofy memory you share. Holding hands with someone special to you. Watching the waves roll onto the seashore.
Seeing the beauty of the majestic mountains and rejoicing in the pure beauty of God's marvelous creation.
All these things, though they have no price tag, are priceless gifts from a heavenly Father who loves us. He doesn't want us to waste our lives seeking
material riches and things that cannot last.
Others spend their lives looking for love and acceptance. They drift from relationship to relationship, because no one human beong can ever meet all their
needs. In fact, these relationships only add to the emotional pain, and instead of meeting needs, create even more needs. We make a terrible mistake when we expect other
people to complete us and give us our sense of worth. That has to come from within ourselves, and the only One who can give us that is our heavenly Father.
God's love for us if the only perfect love. When we seek His love, and allow it to fill us, the deepest longings of our hearts are satisfied. And when our hearts
are satisfied, we can enjoy all the blessings He has placed in our lives. He doesn't promise each one of us earthly wealth, but He does promise to meet all our needs, and
promises us riches in heaven.
He doesn't promise us a perfect husband or wife here on this earth - there is no such person - but He does promise to love us with an everlasting love.
Fame is very fleeting, and wealth can be lost or stolen. These
things are not eternal, and can never satisfy our deepest longings. Instead, He wants His children to seek what is eteranl: a deep and loving relationship with Him. Only then can we be content enough to enjoy the little
things in life, without worry and fear. Knowing that only His kingdom will last,
and the only things we can take with us there are those things we do in Christ's name, for His kingdom, gives us freedom to enjoy life on theis earth, and promises
us joy for our future.
Only God can meet our every need and love us
perfectly, in spite of our flaws. His love is perfect, unconditional, and eternal. Shouldn't we be spending our time and energy seeking Him, instead of earthly things that can never satisfy?
I ask you again: what are you looking for?
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and
His righteousness; and all these things
shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)