Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this
is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
What is the secret to happiness? Many people search endlessly for happiness that seems so elusive. We always seem to think that happiness is just around the next
corner. We think we'll be happy when we get that new job... or when we finally retire.
When we get married... or when we get divorced. When we buy that big new house or that nice new car...or when we get those things paid off. When we have a baby....
or when our children grow up. Whatever it is we think it will take to make us happy
But the real secret to happiness is not in any of these things we so diligently chase after. The fact is, if
we aren't happy where we are, we aren't going to be happy anywhere else, either. Where we are is not what determines our level of happiness, we can deliberately choose to be happy, regardless
of where we are, or where we think we need to be. We can simply choose to be happy, every day.
We can waste our whole life by being unhappy where we are, waiting for our circumstances to change, waiting for our ship to come in, waiting for something we
think will make us happy. However, waiting for something else to make us happy will only leave us frustrated, unhappy, and even bitter and angry. Constantly wanting
something else makes us fail to appreciate those things we have now, causing us to overlook our everyday blessings. Worrying about what we want but don't have sucks
all the joy out of our lives.
Another thing that sucks the joy out of life is expecting other people to make us happy. We expect our spouse to make us happy, or our children, or our job, or whatever.
Happiness has to come from within us. If we aren't happy within ourselves, no one else is going to be able to make us happy. Other people cannot do for us what
what only God can do. True and lasting happiness comes from within, when we trust in God and follow Him. Then we will appreciate all the blessings we have already.
The secret to happiness is in the little, everyday things, knowing that our loving Heavenly Father has blessed us where we are now, and has more blessings for us, in His
perfect time.
Solomon was the greatest king Israel ever had. He had every thing any human being could possibly desire: money, status, education, wisdom. And he tried
all those things that we tend to think will make us happy, and found them all lacking. In the end, Solomon declared all the things we seek after to be vain and useless, and
the whole secret to being happy is found in living a life that honors God.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this
is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
