The Stars Are Brighter In Heaven
Oh, the day that we lost our dear mother,
Was the saddest day we've ever known;
We knew that this day would be coming,
She'd been fighting it for so long;

We didn't want her to suffer any longer,
Wracked with such pain everywhere,
We knew she'd be going home to Jesus,
And there's never any suffering up there.

Aunt Judy & Aunt Sue ran to meet her,
They had so many memories to share;
They laughed and talked for hours and hours,
For time has no meaning up there.

Then Grandma & Grandpa came running,
And the joy on their faces was plain;
They missed the daughters they'd left behind,
And were so glad to see Mama again!

Oh, what a joyful reunion they had!
They'd sure like to see all the rest;
But they know that God has a perfect plan,
And His timing is always the best.

Mama was ready to meet her Savior,
And to feel His gentle touch,
We know that she's happy in heaven,
But we'll miss her so very much!

As we kissed her goodbye for the last time,
We know she's gone to that city so fair;
And the stars shine brighter in heaven tonight,
Because now our dear mother is there.

© July 19, 2009 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved.
This poem is my own original work,
in memory of my wonderful mother,
who just lost her 3½ year battle with cancer,
This poem may not be copied or used in any manner.
Thank you for understanding.