To Harold,
On Our Anniversary

Wherefore they are no more two,  
but one flesh. What therefore    
God hath joined together, let not  
man put asunder. Matt. 19:6    

Dear Harold, it's that time again,
Today's our anniversary,
And I want to tell you, one more time,
How wonderful you are to me.

Through all these years of marriage,
Though we've had some stormy weather,
We've had so many great times,
In the years we've been together.

We've watched our children grow up to be
A lovely woman,and two fine men,
As we look at them, it's plain to see
There's some of us in each of them.

And now, here in our middle years,
Our grandchildren bring such pleasure,
They fill our lives with laughter,
And joy beyond all measure.

God has blessed me, very much,
And it all began with you.
For you have filled my life with love,
Since the day we said, "I do".

After all these years together,
My love for you will never end.
Happy anniversary, dearest Harold,
My husband, and my best friend.

© 2008 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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