The Cross By the Side Of The Road

Wine is a mocker, strong drink
is raging: and whosoever is
deceived thereby is not wise.
Proverbs 20:1

His mother always begged him,
"Don't drive when you've been drinking."
But he thought she was 'old-fashioned'
And didn't care what she was thinking.
He never once paid attention
To anything that he was told,
And now he's only a memory,
And a cross by the side of the road.

She had seen so many accidents
His drinking had caused in the past,
But when they called her this time,
She knew this one was the last.
So often she'd begged and pleaded,
As the liquor and wine freely flowed...
Now all she has is a memory,
And a cross by the side of the road.

A wooden cross, with just his name,
And the date his young life ended,
Marks a mother's pain that will never heal,
A heart that will never be mended.
She remembers back when he was born,
And how her heart with love overflowed,
Now her son is only a memory,
And a cross by the side of the road.

She lost her son that awful night,
A mother's worst nightmare,
And knowing he'd hurt someone else,
Made it that much harder to bear.
So you who drink, please stop and think,
Before having "one more for the road":
You, too, may become just a memory,
And a cross by the side of the road.

© 2006 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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