He Performed A MiracleYou are My witnesses, says the LORD, and My servants whom I have chosen: so that you may know Me and believe in Me, and understand that I am He: before Me there was no God formed, neither will there be any after Me. I, even I, am the LORD; and beside Me there is no Saviour. Isaiah 43:10-11
God's Word is full of miracles, He performed in days of yore, But now they say that God is dead, There are no miracles anymore.
But He performed a miracle, When He caused my eyes to see Just how lost I really was, And how Jesus died for me.
Yes, He performed a miracle, When He cleansed me from my sin; He saved me from the fires of hell, The day I was born again.
I'm living proof God doesn't change, He's the same as from the start; And He performed a miracle, When He changed my foolish heart!
God is not dead, nor does He sleep, He's still watching over all. He wants to perform a miracle He's just waiting for your call.
God is alive! He is not dead, And His miracles are true! Let Him into your heart,and see, He'll do a miracle in you!
©2005 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved. This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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