He Did Not

Thinkest thou that I cannot now   
pray to my Father, and he shall   
presently give me more than twelve
legions of angels? But how then   
shall the scriptures be fulfilled,    
that thus it must be? Matt.26:53,54

He could have called ten thousand angels
To save Him from Satan's plot;
He could call down the Hosts of heaven,
But for man's sake, He did not.

He didn't have to go to Calvary,
He could have fled from that spot;
He could arise straight into heaven,
But for man's sake, He did not.

He even cared about an old thief,
Who deserved just what he got;
Jesus could have rejected that man,
But for his sake, He did not.

Jesus didn't have to die that day
To save us from sin's dark blot;
He could have just gone back to heaven,
But for our sake, He did not.

He loved us so much, He gave His life,
There in that terrible spot.
He could have let us die in our sin,
But for our sake, he did not.

I'm so grateful for the choice He made,
When my salvation He bought;
He could have left me to stand alone ,
But for my sake, He did not!

© 2003 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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