How Long, Oh Lord?

And even as they did not like to
retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate
mind, to do those things which
are not convenient. Romans 1:28


Our world today is in a mess,
Society's falling apart,
While God looks down from heaven
With an angry, broken heart.

Nowadays, we don't believe in God ---
His name's used as a curse;
Everybody does their own thing,
As we go from bad to worse.

We allow our babies to be killed
'Fore they even leave the womb;
What should be their sanctuary,
Has become, instead, their tomb.

Our children turn to guns and drugs,
And have shoot-outs at school.
They've never heard the Laws of God,
Or learned the Golden Rule.

"Till death do us part" is just a joke;
Marriage isn't expected to last;
Daycares now are raising our kids,
As parents once did, in the past.

Men blindly lust for other men,
An "alternative", they claim;
They even lust for little boys,
Without a hint of shame.

No one believes God's Holy Word,
We insist that right is wrong;
How long before God's wrath descends?
How long, Oh Lord? How long?

We must humble ourselves before Him,
Repent, and pray, and seek His face;
Then will He hear us from heaven,
And show us His mercy and grace. *

(© 2003 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

* II Chronicles 7:14

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