I will dwell in the house of the Lord,
In His shadow I'll ever remain,
For He is my safety, my refuge,
I trust in His Holy name.
He'll keep me safe from life's perils,
From diseases and all those things;
He'll cover me up with His feathers,
And shelter me under His wings.
His truth will support and defend me,
I need never be terrified;
For nothing on this earth can harm me,
With the Almighty God on my side.
My eyes will surely behold Him,
As the wicked receive their reward,
But He will protect and keep me,
Because I have made Him my LORD.
I abide in Him, and He abides in me,
Thus no evil on me shall befall;
He sets His angels to watch o'er me,
To help me whenever I call.
No beast from the wild can harm me,
Beneath my feet, they'll be trod,
For God has set His seal upon me,
Because I have made Him my GOD.
He'll deliver me from all evil,
And some sweet day I shall rise
To dwell with Him forever and ever,
In that place where the soul never dies.
© 2007 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved.
The beautiful and peaceful words are my own version of Psalm 91,
and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
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