The Colors Of Spring

The heavens declare the glory                                                 
of God; and the firmament shows                                                
His handywork.     Psalm 19:1                                                 

When I see the pretty flowers
That are born anew each spring,
They remind me of my Savior,
And the new life that He brings.

Regal irises of purple,
Are the color of royalty.
They remind me of the King,
Who will reign eternally.

Yellow daffodils are like the sun,
That Friday was dark and forlorn;
But it rose again, triumphantly,
On that first blessed Easter morn.

Pink tulips, with soft petals,
Peek their heads out of the earth,
Like a tiny, precious new-born babe,
Reminding me of my new birth.

White lilies of the valley,
These are the color of purity,
They remind me of the Lamb of God,
Who gave His life for me.

Roses bloom in shades of red,
They remind me of His blood,
That washed all of my sins away,
Beneath it's cleansing flood.

The flowers of spring return each year,
Making a beautiful, fragrant bouquet;
They remind me Jesus will also return,
To bring me home with Him, some day.

© 2009 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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