And the angel answered and said
unto the women, 'Fear not, for
I know that you seek Jesus, who
was crucified. He is not here,
for He has risen, as He said.
Matthew 28:5-6(a)





Tell The Children

Amidst colored eggs and candy,
And all that "Easter Bunny" jive,
Tell them the true meaning of Easter:
Tell them Jesus is ALIVE !

Tell them He died for all sinners,
That our poor, lost souls He might save;
Tell them that Death couldn't hold Him,
He arose from out of the grave!

His sacrifice paid for our sins,
A love-gift he freely did give;
Because of His resurrection,
We know that we, too, may live!

If we put our faith in Jesus,
Eternal life is our reward;
Tell them the TRUE meaning of Easter:
The resurrection of Jesus, our Lord.

© 2002 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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