To My Sweetheart ---
Happy Valentine's Day!

Therefore shall a man
leave his father and
his mother, and shall
cleave unto his wife:
and they shall be one
flesh. Genesis 2:24

Valentine's Day is very special,
For lovers, everywhere,
To express the sentimental things,
And say how much they care.

So let me try to tell you now
How much you mean to me,
And the reasons that I love you,
Now, and eternally.

Is there anything more precious,
Than a love so real and true?
The love you've always given me,
Is just part of why I love you!

You always give me so much more
Than I could ask, or even measure;
A love to last our whole life through,
A love I will always treasure.

Our love is something very special,
Over the years, how it has grown!
And brings me far more happiness
Than anything I have ever known.

Here's to a love that will last forever
It will always warm our hearts,
To our past, our present, our future---
Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart!

© 2005 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my own original work, written for my dear husband,
and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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