Living Water

Jesus answered and said unto her,
Whosoever drinketh of this water
shall thirst again: But whosoever
drinketh of the water that I shall
give him shall never thirst; but  
the water that I shall give him   
shall be in him a well of water  
springing up into everlasting life.
John 4:14

I've swam in many rivers,
And splashed in pond and creek;
I've dived in lakes both great and small,
And played in oceans deep.

I've plunged beneath the waters
In places far and wide,
But never got the cleansing
That I found in Calvary's tide.

There I found a precious fountain,
That flowed abundantly
Living Water, pure and holy,
Which cleansed, and set me free!

Yes, there that Living Water
Made me clean and bright as day;
Cleansed me from unrighteousness,
And washed my sins away.

Other waters touch our skin,
But cannot get inside:
This Living Water works within,
Where hidden sins abide.

Only this pure Living Water
Can make us white as snow;
Won't you please come to this fountain?
There's no other way I know.

Here you'll find a river of mercy,
Like none you've ever seen.
Plunge into this precious fountain;
It will make your spirit clean!

© 2003 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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