Jesus Makes All Things New
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold,
all things are become new. (II Cor. 5:17)
For so long you've carried that burden of shame, And the guilt that has tormented you,
Just give it to Jesus, who bore all your blame, For Jesus makes all things new!
You've had disappointments, and suffered loss, Pain and heartache like you never knew,
But Jesus suffered the pain of the cross, And He knows what you're going through.
It doesn't matter what kind of life you've led, What you've done, or what's been done to you,
Lay it all on the altar and just bow your head, For Jesus makes all things new!
You may think that I just don't understand, But believe me when I tell you, I do:
I've had hardships and trials on every hand, So I know just what you're going through.
I've been used, abused, rejected, put down, I've been cheated, deceived, and lied to.
But Jesus, my Savior, turned my life around, For Jesus makes all things new!
He gave me beauty for all my ashes, And made it all work out for my good;
He gave me joy that nothing else matches, And gave me peace like nobody else could!
Won't you please invite Jesus into your heart, He wants to be your Savior, too;
Give Him your life, He'll give you a fresh start, For Jesus makes all things new!
© 2016 by Kathryn Brandon. All rights reserved. This poem is my own original work, and may not be copied or used in any way without
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