Happy birthday, dearest daughter, Another year has quickly flown. It seems like only yesterday, When we first brought you home.

A precious, tiny, perfect doll, Such a beautiful baby girl, I looked at you, and marveled That God brought you to our world.

And as you became a young girl, I gave this little figurine to you, It showed a mother and her baby, That looked like me and you.

"Where Are You Going, My Little One" It played that sad old tune, The very words that my heart cried, You were growing up, too soon.

And just these few years later, You're a mommy now yourself, But my mind goes back so many years, When I see this figurine on your shelf.

It brings back so many memories, Whenever I hear it play, And reminds me of our special bond, And so, daughter, on your birthday,

I wish you joy and happiness, To last your whole life through. I'll always love you, and be proud To have a wonderful daughter like you!

© 2010 by Kathryn Brandon. All rights reserved.
This poem is my own original work, and may not be copied or used in any way without permission. .
