Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise, (Ephesians 6:2)
Mom, it's been ten years since you left us, And I can honestly say, We miss you as much now, as we did then, On that sad day when you passed away.
Oh, the pain of losing you has passed, We know you're in a far better place; But we long to sit by your side again, And see your sweet, smiling face.
All of us often sit and talk about All the fun times we had together, The love and laughter that we shared, Will live in our hearts forever.
We know you're happy up there with Jesus, With loved ones who have gone on before, And we know we'll see you again one day, When we also reach heaven's bright shore.
We know you'll come running to meet us, As again your sweet laughter we'll hear; Until then, we'll keep you in our hearts, And cherish our memories so dear.
Yes, you're gone, but never forgotten, Thoughts of you are with us still, We love you so much, dearest Mother, We always have, and always will!

© 2019 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved. This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.