Love Is The Little Things

Love isn't all roses and candy, Or pretty cards from the store;
Although those things are very nice, Love really is so much more.

You don't need big, expensive gestures, For your love to come shining through,
You show your love for me each day, In all the little things you do.

Love is making my morning coffee, Or giving me the last slice of pie;
It's giving me support when I need it, Or a shoulder, when I need to cry.

Love is a quiet hug of comfort, When things aren't going right;
Love is reaching for my hand, In the middle of the night.

Love is the way you think of ways, To make me happy, every day
Love is doing whatever you can, To see that I stay that way!

Thank you, sweetheart, for loving me, And for all those little things you do;
They really aren't so little, after all; And that's why I'll always love you!

Happy Valentine's Day, Harold, With All My Love!

© 2018 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved. This poem is my own original work, and may not be copied or used in any manner without permission. Thank you.

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