A Church Where There Aren’t Any Walls

Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another, just as you also are doing. I Thes. 5:11
When prevented from doing the things I had done By cancer and illness and pain The work lay unfinished; the race was not run This loss was so hard to explain
Why would my God, just resort to this plan What good could be found in it all But He brought a strength to the weakness of man With His power I answered The Call
God said there are many at home and abroad Who are hurting and sad and alone Join up with My Special Encouragement Squad And bring Joy to the email and phone
Reach out and be cheerful, bring hope to despair Be amazed when My miracles start For you are My servant with something to share So share it with all of your heart
I responded quite quickly, Dear Lord I will share Every truth and each promise You’ve made For this is my mission and this I declare I’ll be faithful and not be afraid
So today, I’ve no pulpit, no deacons, no choir No buildings or songs on a screen Just a heart that’s on fire and a fervent desire To share Him who can love and redeem
A Pastor is someone who cares for the flock A Shepherd, a teacher, a friend Who’s open and loving and willing to talk A servant on whom you depend
God called me to be His servant at large A Pastor by phone and online His grace is a favor, there’s never a charge He fills me with sparkle and shine
Encouragement works when we spread it around Pass on what is given to you For love and compassion and blessings abound When eternity’s clearly in view
Each day is a gift from our Father above We need to look up when He calls For we are His children who live in His love In A Church Where There Aren’t Any Walls
© Jim Lake
