Angels Unawares
Do not forget to be kind to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it. Hebrews 13:2
Be kind to everyone you meet And let the Light shine through. Make joy in life a lasting treat As folks encounter you.

Be careful how you plan your day. Ask God to help you choose. Take time to listen, when you pray. By faith, you never lose.

Bring peace to those who fear the worst. Bring hope where there is none. Give water to the souls who thirst And glorify the Son.

Be gracious, loyal, kind, and true. Be thoughtful, just, and fair. Do everything the Lord would do. For, He is standing there.

Reach out to those in pain and grief, And show them someone cares. Bring love and life, and sweet relief; Like angels unawares.

For, angels come in many forms And many different sizes. They walk with us through all the storms. They often wear disguises.

So, be an angel, if you can. You do not need the wings. Just share your faith with fellow man And God’s eternal things !!!
© Jim Lake 2004 Used with permission.