This old year is almost over, It's a good time to review, Are there things you need to say, Or things you need to do?

Do you need to make apologies, To some family or friend? Are there any broken fences That you may need to mend?

A new year means a fresh start, So begin the new year right; Make peace, and you will be surprised How well you'll sleep tonight.

And while you're reflecting back Take time to thank God, too, For all His many blessings, And how He's taken care of you.

Then when you've made your peace, With both God and fellowman, Dream about what this year will bring, And all that God has planned.

Learn to live in peace and love, Resolve to do your very best, Then leave it all in the hands of the Lord, For He will take care of the rest.

© 2022 by Kathryn Brandon; All rights reserved. This poem is my original work, and may not be used in any manner without consent. Thank you.
