Follow Your Dreams
Delight yourself in the Lord, and
He will give you the desires of your
heart. Commit your way to the Lord,
trust also in Him, and He will do it.
Psalm 37:4-5
When the bottom drops out or you’re tempted to doubt
Or your life falls apart at the seams
Don’t fuss and don’t pout or get caught in that route
Get Busy And Follow Your Dreams

If you’re misunderstood when you’re doing some good
Don’t lean on this world and it’s schemes
Just look to The Lamb, The Mighty "I AM"
Stay Focused And Follow Your Dreams

When you’re hurried or worried or lonely or sad
God leads by still waters and streams
The Shepherd brings comfort and He makes you glad
Surrender And Follow Your Dreams

When you’re feeling depressed, down-hearted or stressed
In a world that is filled with extremes
Remember God’s Word and the things you have heard
Take Heart And Just Follow Your Dreams

Our God has a way to inspire you today
Great Love and Great Joy are His themes
His Plan will not fail, He will always prevail
Hang In There And Follow Your Dreams

To God Be The Glory, You’ve Heard The Old Story
He Saves and He Keeps and Redeems
His plan is the best , you’ll be happy and blessed
Believe Him And Follow Your Dreams !!!

© Jim Lake

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My thanks to Jim Lake,
the author of this and many other wonderful poems.
He has graciously granted me permission to use his poetry on my
website,but I ask that you respect the copyright laws and do
not use anything on this site without permission. Thank you.
Here are some of his other fine poems.
A Tribute To Our Troops
Angels Unawares
The Christ Of Christmas
When Jesus Comes
A Church Where There Aren't Any Walls