The Christ Of Christmas
And the Angel said to them, Do not be afraid; for I bring you good news which shall be for all people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10, 11
Who was this Baby lowly born In stable, hay and manger That wise men three would gently warn That He could be in danger
 Who was this Child so meek and mild What promise did He bring How could we know that He would grow To be our Lord and King

Mary knew within her heart Her Baby boy was special An Angel shared God’s plan in part Why He made Her the vessel
 Some shepherds came to glorify This Baby of distinction While Herod sought to plan and plot To send Him to extinction

But God preserved His flesh and bone And made this revelation That Christ alone would just atone And bring us to salvation
 So in it all God leads and guides He does the same today His grace and mercy He provides And He’s The Only Way

So lift your eyes and view the skies And live and love and learn Christ Saves and Keeps and Satisfies Someday He Will Return !
© Jim Lake

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The poem is the wonderful work of Jim Lake, and
I thank him for allowing me to publish his poetry here. Please respect copyright laws, and do not use his poetry (or anything on this site!) without permission. Thank you!
Here are some of his other fine poems.
A Tribute To Our Troops
Angels Unawares
Follow Your Dreams
When Jesus Comes
A Church Where There Aren't Any Walls


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