Was He?
For with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the scripture says, Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed. Romans 10:10,11
Was He The Great Messiah, Or a baby in a stall? A fake or an imposter, Or The Lord who made it all?
For when The Truth came on the scene For everyone to see The Way of God became so clear, And that abundantly
The Angels sang His songs that night And lifted up His Name The Name that makes our future bright Is what they did proclaim
The Shepherds came with hearts of joy And great anticipation To see God’s Son, His baby boy Who’d reach to every nation
Star Watchers came from distant lands To find the Chosen King The plan was in the Father’s hands Of what these men would bring
A gift of Gold would first occur To bless His Majesty And then came Frankincense and Myrrh To point to Calvary
You see my friends, it’s just like this We have to make a choice He must be who He says He is Or we cannot rejoice
Is He the Lord and Chosen King? Or lunatic and liar? Can we to Him our burdens bring Is He The Reconciler?
I do declare right here and now That Jesus is my Lord Before His throne I humbly bow His Grace is my reward
By Faith, I’m now on solid ground My God has set me free The doubt is gone since I have found He’s All He Claimed To Be !!!
© Jim Lake