Catch A Glimpse Of God"Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful,for they shall receive mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:5-8
There are those times in life we see With Faith that is not flawed A Chance To Touch Eternity And catch a glimpse of God
When sadness, grief or pain abound That hide The Light Of Day God moves us up to Higher Ground And urges us to pray
So down upon our knees we go And seek the Father's face And from our lips His praises flow As He bestows His Grace
He seeks to make it very Clear His plan for us is Best He sends His Peace and Joy and Cheer We're Loved, Restored and Blessed
We can be sure that He is God He knows the route and course Where ere on earth our feet may trod He is our Power Source
So Trust The Lord, The Living Way And Join The Pure In Heart For This Could Be The Very Day The Miracles Will Start !!!
© Jim Lake
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The poem is the wonderful work of Jim Lake, and I thank him for allowing me to publish his poetry here. Please respect copyright laws, and do not use his poetry (or anything on this site!) without permission. Thank you!
Here are some of his other fine poems.
Was He? A Tribute To Our Troops Angels Unawares
Follow Your Dreams When Jesus Comes
A Church Where There Aren't Any Walls The Christ Of Christmas
Happy Birthday Jesus

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